An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A very famous phrase that parents would use to coax their kids to take apple. Here’s another way to get an apple a day by making apple energy smoothie recipe, of course. Apple energy smoothie recipe contains natural vitamins and vinegar extract to help further boost our immune system.

Ingredients for Apple Energy Smoothie recipe:- Read more
Try a mix of tropical fruits and you’ll get to fully enjoy the refreshing and delicious taste in this blend of Tropical Breakfast Smoothie recipe

Ingredients for Tropical Breakfast Smoothie recipe:- Read more
Tofu is the perfect source of protein and what a great way to consume it by making it your breakfast with Tofu Breakfast Smoothie recipe. You will not only get the goodness of the tofu but also a great way to start a healthy lifestyle

Ingredients for Tofu Breakfast Smoothie Recipe:- Read more